
Friday, April 24, 2020

Dear Mrs Meyers

One of our teachers went to Auckland for an operation because she was not feeling well so my class write these letters DEAR MRS MEYERS

Hi Mrs Meyers hope you are okay and recovering from your surgery and had a safe trip back home. Home school is pretty fun, not as fun as seeing all the teachers and you in the morning but coping well. I really hope we can go back to school soon but it is what it is.I miss doing art and garden work with you those times were awesome remember the time we made hot chips those were pretty good, and that time we made those clay thingys I have mine hanging on my wall,that was like 2 years ago but that was awesome i also remember that time we made those space ships I have im hanging above my dresser,those were some of the best times. 
See you when we go back to school.
By Kyvana

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyvana Its Harrison from paroa school Im one of your tuhi mai tuhi atu buddys for this year. I really like how you made a card for your teacher that is unwell how long since she was at school?. Maybe next time you could write the part were your teacher went to Auckland you could write it down the bottom and a bit bigger because its hard to read. From Harrison
